March 27th, 2009
Just Released!
Smooth roll for a complicated release
The 1st Lord of Chaos is preparing to strike... in the calm before the storm the following things have just been released:
* Quibble Coinbiter
This weekend only: Obtain his never before seen, used weapons. Read below for his bizzare story.
* Bank!
We added a bank system to AQworlds. See Valencia in the center of town. You can now buy permanent bank slots to store your items with AdventureCoins
* Inventory Merge
We merged your item and armor tabs into a single easy to use, sortable interface. (Yup, it even has little buttons to sort at the top!) If you were not using ALL of your armor slots, you may notice you now have some free space!
* New Good/Evil Items
Visit the good or evil towns and check their shops for new items.
* Preloader!
The game now has a preloader... better late than never. (Thanks Minimal!)
* The Chaos Marsh
A brand new area with new quests and reward items.
I would like to thank Reens and Llusion for all of their hard work this week. They did this release solo while the rest of us are gearing up for the chaos to come. Also, I would like to congratulate Zhoom on the tricky inventory merge and bank system. Gear up friends.... something wicked this way comes. BATTLE ON!
Third Party Offers for AdventureCoins
There are multiple ways to get AdventureCoins. You can upgrade your acount which gives you a generous amount of coins or buy them separately. Also, we reluctantly added the third-party offers that we saw other applications using. I will be the first to tell you I do not like these offers in general -- but if you see a decent offer from a legitimate company that interests you, it is a great way to earn tons of technically-free AdventureCoins!
See the third party offers